Monday 21 January 2013

Immune system...

My immune system is letting me down this year so far. I've barely got back into my training rhythm because of all these wretched colds I keep getting. I used to think I had a good immune system but I'm not sure anymore. I used to be able to train through any colds I did get, but these days if I train when I'm full of snot, I end up feeling 10 times worse the following day and not being able to train at all. Hence, I try and ride it out. I've not trained since Tuesday. Tuesday! It's now Monday! I may as well go get my name on the gastric band waiting list now, might save me the walk for when my legs start rubbing together.

Yes it's dramatic but dammit I'm so frustrated! I just want to get back to being fighting fit, but I'm spending most of my time fighting fat - whenever I make any progress on my weight, something stops me training.

Bring on Spring and some healthier times ahead.

Monday 7 January 2013

'New Year's Resolutioners'

I took my foot off the pedal since the wedding and quite intentionally gained 5 lbs. I thought I'd give myself a real break, then kick start the regime in 2013. I was in the gym New Year's Day, and most days since. The boxing bootcamp isn't starting for another four weeks so I'm giving myself a bit of a headstart. I'm feeling every ounce of those 5 lbs, and I want them gone. So I did a spin class today, I don't tend to bother with them but this was nice and hard. Then I did some boxing and skipping intervals, Sam (leader of the bootcamp) told me I was dropping my guard too much which is something I need to knock off - quickly.

I arrived in the gym with high hopes of doing some interval sprints but I've done something to my ankle and it's crunching a little too much for my liking. Not that I could've got on the treadmills. The place is riddled with newbies and I'm sorry, I find myself wanting to throw things at most of them. If they're still about in mid February then maybe I'll give them a bit of credit. But for now, they're just getting in the way of people who take their fitness seriously by walking on the treadmills (without even an incline - give me strength) on their iPhones, and standing on the power plate giggling like idiots. I know, I know. I was new to the gym once. But I made a point of blending in and not making a nuisance of myself. AND, I stuck with it. The thing that irritates me about the New Year's Resolutioners is that they just quit, for no good reason, and without achieving anything. If they did something functional whilst in the gym and stuck to it then maybe I wouldn't be so bitter. But I am bitter. And they're turning my swede!