Tuesday 12 June 2012

Week 1 of part 3

I dragged my backside to the gym a few times last week and played around with these workouts but the commitment wasn't quite there due to one thing or another. I did do a fantastic session on Wallasey beach on Sunday, which involved a hellish number of sprints up a sand dune, and jumps onto a picnic bench, supersetted with dips and squats.

I have hit it properly this week. Monday I did the following: (2100 calories in case you're interested)
  • 3 x 8 Lat pulldowns (80kg)/3 x 12 burpees/45 second rest
  • 4 x 10 reverse pushups/4 x 20 mountain climbers/30 second rest
  • 3 x 8 barbell curls (15kg)/3 x 15 side squat jumps (squat, jump as far as you can to one side, repeat)/45 seconds rest
  • 4 x 8 bentover barbell rows (20kg)/4 x 30 twist jumps (squat, jump and do a 180 degree twist, repeat)/45 second rest
  • 3 x 10 close grip rows (20kg)/3 x 20 box jumps/30 second rest
  • 3 x 25 crunches, 3 x 25 bicycle crunches, 3 x 25 dumbbell crunches (hold dumbbell over head with straight arms and crunch up). What a grueller that one is.
Tuesday (2250 calories)
  • 3 x 10 bench press (14kg DBs)/3 x 30 flutter kicks/45 second rest
  • 4 x 8 barbell skullcrushers (10kg)/4 x 50 jumping jacks/30 second rest
  • 3 x 10 dumbbell military press (8kg)/3 x 30 med ball (7kg) woodchoppers (15 to each side)/45 second rest
  • 4 x 15 bench dips/4 x 15 dumbbell bench step ups (15 each leg)/30 second rest
  • 3 x 10 barbell clean and press (20kg - some turned into push presses though!)/3 x 10 burpees/60 seconds rest
  • 4 x 10 incline bench press (8kg DBs)/4 x 30 mountain climbers/45 second rest
I've also put that pesky 4lb back on. I think it might be a 'cyclical' thing so I have no doubt they'll disappear again. Not that this means they're welcome. I intend to permanently lose at least 6lb before I get married in November so that I can be confident that any fluctuations won't affect my mindset. I want to feel the best I can and I can't do that with an extra 4lbs sitting around my waist line. With this in mind I've recruited Vinnie at Klick to help me out a bit, I'm going to do two sessions a week with him and see if I can get fat burned off. I don't expect miracles, but maybe a swift kick up the backside will do the trick.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Gina is a poorly Ribena berry...

This week's program has been much more stimulating than the last 4 weeks. I did a coastal run in Barrow on Saturday morning which was hideous. Just awful. The heat was great, don't get me wrong, and the sun beaming down, beautiful views to take in...but also quite a breeze which consequently caused quite a sand storm. I've had road rash, grass rash, rain rash and now I've had sand rash as well. I'd say sand rash was the worst, especially when it's combined with heat and sweat. My face was nearly purple by the time I'd finished. Not a good look.

I have only been able to complete Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's workout this week though due to ill health, and I am trying to get back on track with it but have not had the energy. I am hoping to do Friday's workout tomorrow, which is Sunday, but if not then I may have to take a hiatus. I will continue the blog though, but will commence training for the Total Warrior instead of finishing the program. I'm hoping to ultimately finish the program, but we'll have to see if I can actually make the commitment - health dependent. My last post disclosed my weight gain, but for the record, those 4 pesky pounds have vanished again, as quick as they came. And hopefully they've taken the hint that they're not welcome on this busy body of mine!
So this week has gone down as so...

  • 3 x 8 Lat pulldowns (36kg) /3 x 12 burpees/45 second rest
  • 4 x 10 reverse pushups/4 x 20 mountain climbers/30 second rest
  • 3 x 8 barbell curls (10kg then 15kg)/3 x 15 side squat jumps (squat, jump as far as you can to one side, repeat)/45 seconds rest
What a wonderful little workout this was! I really enjoyed the dynamic movements, and felt I was actually accomplishing something too.
  • 4 x 8 bentover barbell rows (first two sets 20kg, then last two sets 25kg)/4 x 30 twist jumps (squat, jump and do a 180 degree twist, repeat)/45 second rest
  • 3 x 10 close grip rows (15 kg)/3 x 20 box jumps/30 second rest
  • 3 x 25 crunches, 3 x 25 bicycle crunches, 3 x 25 dumbbell crunches (hold dumbbell over head with straight arms and crunch up). This was a brilliant ab workout, I actually felt my abs the following day which was most unusual.

  • 3 x 10 bench press (16kg DB, 12kg DB then back to 16kg, nearly killed me)/3 x 30 flutter kicks/45 second rest
  • 4 x 8 barbell skullcrushers (10kg, then up to 12.5, then back down to 10kg)/4 x 50 jumping jacks/30 second rest
  • 3 x 10 dumbbell military press (10kg - although on 2nd set only got to 8 reps then complete failure until the next set)/3 x 30 med ball woodchoppers (15 to each side) (6kg)/45 second rest
  • 4 x 15 bench dips/4 x 15 dumbbell bench step ups (10kg)/30 second rest
  • 3 x 10 barbell clean and press (15kg, this was quite easy but any heavier and I'd have had to push press) /3 x 10 burpees/60 seconds rest
  • 4 x 10 incline bench press (10kg)/4 x 30 mountain climbers/45 second rest
  • 3 x 10 barbell or smith machine squats(30kg)/3 x 45 second jump rope/45 second rest
  • 4 x 10 deadlifts (50kg)/4 x 20 horizontal jacks (In plank position, jump your feet off the ground and spread feet wide, jump feet off the body and bring your feet together so you’ve returned to plank position, repeat)/60 second rest
  • 3 x 10 dumbbell lunges (8kg)/3 x 25 lunge jumps (lunge, jump up, and switch legs in mid-air and land on other foot forward)/45 second rest
  • 4 x 10 reverse dumbbell lunges (8kg)/4 x 45 second jump rope/45 second rest
  • 3 x 12 box or bench jumps/30 second jump rope/3 x 20 mountain climbers/30 second plank/60 second rest
Most of you who know me will remember that I have severe OCD, and in particular a fear of...well, for want of a better word...poo. There's been some blocked drains at the gym and indeed an overflow of sewage which has struck cold fear into my heart, and after spending a number of hours sanitising my entire gym kit, following that up with two showers, I am reluctant to return. With this in mind, I am going to do the best with what I've got, which might include interval training with hill sprints, or working out with our limited equipment at home. Either way, this week could prove challenging on many fronts.