Tuesday 12 June 2012

Week 1 of part 3

I dragged my backside to the gym a few times last week and played around with these workouts but the commitment wasn't quite there due to one thing or another. I did do a fantastic session on Wallasey beach on Sunday, which involved a hellish number of sprints up a sand dune, and jumps onto a picnic bench, supersetted with dips and squats.

I have hit it properly this week. Monday I did the following: (2100 calories in case you're interested)
  • 3 x 8 Lat pulldowns (80kg)/3 x 12 burpees/45 second rest
  • 4 x 10 reverse pushups/4 x 20 mountain climbers/30 second rest
  • 3 x 8 barbell curls (15kg)/3 x 15 side squat jumps (squat, jump as far as you can to one side, repeat)/45 seconds rest
  • 4 x 8 bentover barbell rows (20kg)/4 x 30 twist jumps (squat, jump and do a 180 degree twist, repeat)/45 second rest
  • 3 x 10 close grip rows (20kg)/3 x 20 box jumps/30 second rest
  • 3 x 25 crunches, 3 x 25 bicycle crunches, 3 x 25 dumbbell crunches (hold dumbbell over head with straight arms and crunch up). What a grueller that one is.
Tuesday (2250 calories)
  • 3 x 10 bench press (14kg DBs)/3 x 30 flutter kicks/45 second rest
  • 4 x 8 barbell skullcrushers (10kg)/4 x 50 jumping jacks/30 second rest
  • 3 x 10 dumbbell military press (8kg)/3 x 30 med ball (7kg) woodchoppers (15 to each side)/45 second rest
  • 4 x 15 bench dips/4 x 15 dumbbell bench step ups (15 each leg)/30 second rest
  • 3 x 10 barbell clean and press (20kg - some turned into push presses though!)/3 x 10 burpees/60 seconds rest
  • 4 x 10 incline bench press (8kg DBs)/4 x 30 mountain climbers/45 second rest
I've also put that pesky 4lb back on. I think it might be a 'cyclical' thing so I have no doubt they'll disappear again. Not that this means they're welcome. I intend to permanently lose at least 6lb before I get married in November so that I can be confident that any fluctuations won't affect my mindset. I want to feel the best I can and I can't do that with an extra 4lbs sitting around my waist line. With this in mind I've recruited Vinnie at Klick to help me out a bit, I'm going to do two sessions a week with him and see if I can get fat burned off. I don't expect miracles, but maybe a swift kick up the backside will do the trick.

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