Friday 22 February 2013

Testing the limits

Went for a little run today to test my ankle, and I was pleased to discover it felt great, and I felt great too, ready to run. Last week my running limit was 15 minutes so I pushed a bit further this week. I ran for 25 minutes or so, then got some warning pains so started to slow down...

Then I remembered that I'd taken some anti-inflammatories earlier on which had probably meant I could run further without pain. Alas it was an illusion! I'm waiting for the punishment to begin. What a stupid mistake to make!

I also cut my thumb before heading out, it was only a tiny nick from clearing a broken plate and I thought the cold would dry it up. Wrong again. The tiny little nick didn't stop bleeding, but I didn't know this and managed to bleed all over my high vis jacket. I only spotted it all when I popped into Tesco on my way back and got some really funny looks. Man alive they must have thought I'd murdered someone.

Saturday 16 February 2013

still got it!

Unfortunately, my keyboard is still not fixed so posts take me significantly longer than they should - hence why I'm not doing very many.

I'm not going to go off on one about my weight like I usually do. It's still not down to what I want it to be, but I'm on it, at least now I have a deadline - Sam's boxing bootcamp starts in two weeks, so I'll be reminding myself of that whenever I'm reaching for munchies. As if I'd allow myself to step into the ring looking like a porker.

I've been struggling to train how I want to train, with my HIIT sprints etc, because I've got an ankle problem at the moment. It got so bad that darling hubby had to literally carry me down the stairs. Running was out of the question, whenever I tried I'd get shooting pains from my ankle up to my knee. Don't get it twisted - I don't surrender easily. I will train through what I can, I've trained through various tendon problems, illnesses (January's flu was the exception), back injuries, migraines (which was stupid, admittedly), but this has got me on my backside. I've been spinning as much as I can, either in classes or on my own, and doing interval rowing, but nothing gets a sweat on quite like running. So I took myself off to the physio, who told me that most of my left hand side is a bit locked up (in far more fancy terms than that obviously), which is causing misalignment and weakness in the ankle, as well as some tendonitis. So nothing serious, but he says I can't 'push through it', I have to stop doing what makes it hurt until it's been fixed. I've got some 'prescribed' stretching to do - but the good thing is he said if an exercise doesn't make my ankle hurt then I can carry on doing it, because it won't be causing any harm...

I've been playing with deadlifts again with Vinnie. I'm really rather pleased because even at the peak of my strength training about 2 years ago, I was deadlifting 105kg, and on Tuesday I managed 100kg - without much recent strength training at all. Of course this paled in comparison to Vinnie's 220kg lift, but we'll just gloss over that for now. published a little routine which apparently falls under the 'P.H.A.T' category (Peripheral Heart Action Training - although it can also be Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training, but I'm not doing that).

(A and B signifies a superset, which entails going back and forth between the two exercises until all sets and repetitions are completed, then you move onto the next set of two exercises.)
1A) Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions.
1B) Romanian or Straight Legged Deadlift 3 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions.
2A) Seated Row 3 sets x 12 - 15 repetitions.
2B) Walking Dumbbell Lunges 3 sets of 20 - 24 steps.
3A) Dips (weight, bodyweight, or assistance as needed) 3 sets x 8 - 12 repetitions.
3B) Leg Curl Machine 3 sets x 12 - 15 repetitions.
4A) Pull Up (weighted, bodyweight, or assistance as needed) 3 sets x 8 - 12 repetitions.
4B) Squat (Barbell, Dumbbell, or Bodyweight based on ability and availability) 3 sets x 12 - 15 repetitions.

I've done 1,3 & 4 but 2 is a little tricky because of the lunging motion. I did the following on Thursday (Happy Valentine's Day to me!):
1A - 12kg dumbbell bench 15/15/15 reps
1B - 40kg stiff leg DL 15/15/15
3A - assisted dips with 14kg, 8/8/8 (I know, terrible...)
3B - 32kg leg curl 15/15/15
4A - Wide grip pull ups, with a low slung bungee (so I had some help but not too much) 8/6/8
4B - 20kg squat 15/15/15

It was a good little workout, it's quite quick but challenging which is what I'm after. I really don't want to get involved in sessions like when I started this blog, they just take up so much time, so this is ideal.

Going to try a road run tomorrow to see how my ankle fares. I know it's not good on the treadmill but maybe that's the constant, unchanging impact? I shall see.