Friday 22 February 2013

Testing the limits

Went for a little run today to test my ankle, and I was pleased to discover it felt great, and I felt great too, ready to run. Last week my running limit was 15 minutes so I pushed a bit further this week. I ran for 25 minutes or so, then got some warning pains so started to slow down...

Then I remembered that I'd taken some anti-inflammatories earlier on which had probably meant I could run further without pain. Alas it was an illusion! I'm waiting for the punishment to begin. What a stupid mistake to make!

I also cut my thumb before heading out, it was only a tiny nick from clearing a broken plate and I thought the cold would dry it up. Wrong again. The tiny little nick didn't stop bleeding, but I didn't know this and managed to bleed all over my high vis jacket. I only spotted it all when I popped into Tesco on my way back and got some really funny looks. Man alive they must have thought I'd murdered someone.

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