Monday 1 April 2013

Bootcamp & detox

Bootcamp has begun. It's brilliant. The group of guys who do it are pretty awesome, as is the coach (hereby called Sam). He isn't constantly singling me out for having an extra X instead of Y chromosome. I have been plagued by injury as usual - when I first started I was in physio for my ankle as per my previous post, so I was whinging about that with all the bouncing you need to do in boxing. I kept up with the exercises religiously then lo and behold, my ankle was fine - literally 100% better. Who'd have thought physio would actually work?! Anyway. One injury sorted, in comes another, as is the standard for me. I blame my hypermobility. If I over train a body part without meaning to, instead of getting aching muscles I get painful ligaments. So my latest one is my left elbow which is currently so bad that I have to take anti-inflammatories before every session otherwise I'll be weeping in the corner within 20 minutes. I do try not to moan about it - especially as women already have a rep for being whiney - but sometimes people just notice. Credit where it's due, Sam is very good at looking after his fighters - he spotted me in stealth mode, spraying Deep Heat on my elbow and asked about it, which is something a lot of trainers don't bother to do. I've noticed him looking after the others too - we're a broken bunch with arthritic knees, damaged hip flexors, dodgy ankles. Not to mention the injuries inflicted on one another - bloody noses, bitten tongues, clicking jaws... 

Anyway. The realization is dawning that actually, getting smacked because I didn't move away in time isn't much fun. Because as well as the whole getting hit thing - which hurts - there's the fact that if I'm getting hit, I'm doing it wrong. That makes me mad.

Apart from getting naffed off about my skillset (or lack thereof...), I'm training hard. Every day where I can. I reason that if I'm going to go and fight, I'm going to do it in peak condition. Consequently, tomorrow I am starting a week of hell. I've got a plan from Matt Towers (Team Forge - if you don't know them, Google them) - he says it's a regime for a fighter. It's only 4 sessions a week, which is bad enough, but that's on top of bootcamp and other workouts I'll put myself through. My new regime mainly consists of weight training super-setted with short bursts of cardio - it's hideous but I have no doubt it'll be worth it. As well as a new regime I'm starting a week of dieting. The diet consists of protein and greens. That's essentially all. Oh - and some almonds. It's only a week, I must remember that. It'll accelerate some weight loss, which everyone knows I am constantly trying for, and it should also detox my body of all the nasty sugars I am so fond of. So this is what my fridge looks like, £95 later...

I'd like to say I'll be documenting this diet, but I probably won't be. I'll have a headache the size of Russia.

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