Sunday 7 April 2013

day 6...

Day 6...
The mood swings. Ohhh the mood swings, my poor poor husband. No sugar makes Gina a very grumpy girl. But we're nearly there. I'm delighted to report I've lost 4lbs, and 2% body fat (every little helps...). Possibly it'll come back on when I start eating properly again, but then maybe not - I've certainly learnt from it, and now know what I can and can't cope with. Maybe I'll do the main part of the diet but include some cereal or porridge in the morning to stop the suicidal tendencies. Or, it was suggested that I could do the diet for 5 days then eat carbs for the other 2, sort of like this 5:2 diet people keep rattling on about. I couldn't do the 5:2 diet the proper way it's meant to be done because I need more energy than 500 calories can provide, especially if I'm training. Plus I'd probably just pass out and die anyway - I take my hat off to anyone who does it successfully.

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