Thursday 4 April 2013

diet despair...

I was right. The headache is indeed the worst bit about this diet. It's not severe but it's persistent, and a little draining.

I'm sticking to the diet almost to the letter, the only real variation being some fat free Greek yogurt and 30g raisins this evening just to stop me keeling over. I actually rather like having eggs for breakfast, and because it's a savoury start, the sweet cravings don't kick in until much later in the day. Although I'm not planning on doing this long term, I do think it's acting as a good detox which is going to help me kick my addiction to sweet things, thus ultimately helping me to keep my weight down. So just to give you a quick idea of what I'm eating, it's scrambled egg whites (plus one yolk) with either spinach or turkey (tomorrow I'm going to have both - what a pig!), protein shake, 50g almonds, salad with cherry tomatoes and some kind of meat (pastrami tomorrow, nice change from turkey) plus just a little bit of light mayo (not strictly allowed on the diet but otherwise I won't eat it), another protein shake, some almond milk to get me through the afternoon and finally meat with green veg, tonight it was lean lamb and mint burgers with cabbage.

I don't feel great, but I'm not dying. I have enough energy to train, and my body isn't being deprived of anything that it can't cope without (double negatives there...confused myself). I think one of the main things is getting my head round it - yesterday the thought of salad was making me wretch, but eventually I had to eat it because I gave myself no alternative. When I did eat it, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I think the same sort of psychology can be applied to a sweet tooth but in reverse - the feeling of eating something sweet is never as satisfying as you think it's going to be. This diet is fairly easy when I'm in work because there's a routine, but the weekend is going to be a big challenge, especially Saturday night with my friends.

Dig deep Gina, dig deep.

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