Saturday 20 April 2013


The physique is getting on track I believe, but I'm lost. I feel better but then think I must be imagining the progress. I've not lost a great deal of weight - I don't have an accurate figure at the moment as to how much I've lost, but it's not a massive amount. Maybe 6lbs max. No one has noticed with the exception of Rich who gives it mixed reviews (I won't lie, he likes the rack, which obviously subsides a little when I'm training harder). My clothes still fit. I look around and feel as though everyone around me is thinner, buffer or lighter than me, I don't feel as if the work I'm putting in is being reflected in what I'm left with. I want my commitment to show, but it just doesn't and it's bumming me out. I'm Mrs Mediocre. Not a fast runner, or a distance runner, or strong enough to enter any comps, or fit enough to look as though I work out, or slim enough to fit into size 10. I hate being average.

Short of becoming a crossfitter, I've no idea how to excel.

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