Wednesday 2 May 2012

Week 6 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Calories yesterday - 2169
              today - *blush* 2445 (and I wonder why I don't lose weight...idiot)

I detracted from the program to run up Moel Famau, but I assure you I did Friday's workout on Saturday morning. I can't remember what I did, but I did it in its entirety.
Monday this week I did 5 minutes of weighted speedskaters. I was foolish enough to start with a 10kg plate, and started getting tired very quickly so reduced it to a 5kg plate. I stopped 3 times to take a short breather within the 5 minutes. This was a pattern that emerged throughout the second and third sets of 5 minutes as well.
After the 5 minutes of skaters I did 5 minutes of high knees, and had to stop - regularly.
After that, I did 5 minutes of skipping.
I repeated 3 times.
This seems basic and when I looked at it I admit I scoffed, thinking it'd be easy. It was not. This was probably one of the most difficult workouts I have come across in this program so far. I had to stop many times, and to add insult to injury, I felt really stupid doing the exercises. One guy at the gym asked me if I was playing hopscotch.

Tuesday I did the following, using the TUT format:
Bulgarian squats with 20kg, 2 sets of 12 reps on each leg, then the last set 10 reps
I started doing normal squats (which should have been my first exercise but there were no frames available in the free weights area) but then got roped into doing a boxing class. After the boxing class I carried on with the squats, with 40kg, 3 sets of 12 reps
Reverse DB lunges, 12 reps (6 each leg) with 8kg DBs for 2 sets then 10kg DBs for the last set
I skipped the calf raises. I hate them. They don't do anything except butcher my ankles. I'm all for doing exercises you hate, but when you know you're constantly doing them wrong because they cause you to hurt in places that shouldn't be hurting, I don't see the point in going through the motions.
Quad extensions, 20kg, 3 sets of 8 reps. I might have been able to bump the weight up but I know from my powerlifting days that quad extensions make my thighs look huge for days. And they ain't small to begin with.
Hamstring curls, 32kg, 3 sets of 8 reps
Finally, 100 box jumps, split into 60 and then 40.

Today is Wednesday, so I did 20 minutes HIIT rowing and 20 minutes HIIT running, 0.1mile jog at 5mph and then 0.1mile sprint at 8.5mph.

Now then. Below further demonstrates my reasoning for hating rowing.

My hands are not the most feminine due to my tendency to use toilet cleaner to wash when the soap runs out. I also have callouses from a few years of lifting with Olympic bars. But the rowing took these callouses to a whole new level today.

In terms of progress, the pound I put on last week has gone again, and my fat percentage is back down too. But that does not mean there has been an improvement from when I started.
The photos below are the most recent. I have to say I feel as though I look better, but these photos don't really demonstrate that, although I do quite like the little bit of definition in my legs these days. Still a far cry from that beautiful body on the front page of the program, but I'm only 6 weeks in. Fingers crossed for a miracle within the next 6 weeks. And maybe a few less calories as well.

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