Saturday 12 May 2012

Week 'off'

Egads I had no idea it had been 10 days since my last blog! What neglect is this?!

My apologies, my non-existent readers.

This week has been a week off the programme in preparation for my first ever 10k race tomorrow. I don't have high expectations for myself, but I wanted to make sure I gave myself the fairest chance.

I do have a confession though. I didn't complete last week's schedule. I missed out half an hour of skipping. I am ashamed.

In my defense, I got distracted decorating my staircase. That took a day and a half so I think that was probably equivalent of half an hour skipping. Maybe.

So this week I've been back to playing around in the gym. It's been quite nice in some ways, because I haven't had to rush around trying to get the workouts done before the gym closes, or go when I really haven't felt like it. Having said that though, I have done some sort of exercise most days. Tuedsday I did my boxing class, Wednesday I did some cardio and deadlifting. I haven't done any one rep max testing because I haven't been strength training, so I thought I'd give it a go. I managed 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 90kg. I expect I could have gone up to 95kg but I didn't bother. I tried to convince myself I didn't want to risk hurting my back ahead of the race but actually I just didn't want to look like a fool in the free weights area. Pride comes before a fall I know...

Thursday I did 40 minutes steady cardio. Friday I did a beach fitness class led by Dave. Now that was awesome. These silly boot camps in parks with 2kg dumbbells ain't got nothing on taking a sledgehammer to a tractor tyre, after having flipped it a couple of times on a windy beach.

I do like training on the beach, and I think I'll be doing it a bit more on the run up to the Total Warrior race, running up sand dunes and whatnot.

So tomorrow's my first race. As I said, I'm not planning on setting any personal targets other than finishing without losing my breakfast. Then next week, I'm back on my plan.

I'm particularly looking forward to the 'Black Diamond challenge'. But not really.

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