Monday 19 November 2012


So it finally happened. I knew it would, eventually.

I stacked it on the treadmill. Not totally, but enough to completely ruin any street-cred I may have had. I was sprinting at 10mph, dutifully doing my intervals, when my discarded ear phones slipped off the ledge and threatened to pull my MP3 player off with them. With lightning fast reflexes (sure, now I learn speed and bloody agility...) I went to save them, and tried to jump to the side of the treadmill simultaneously. My right foot successfully made the leap, my left foot didn't. You can guess the rest.

Just to make myself feel better, I watched these 'treadmill fails'.
Treadmill fails

It happened to me many years ago and I literally flew into a wall. Instead of checking I wasn't hurt, some smarmy old loaf snorted and said 'it served me right for being nosey' (I was looking behind me at the time). I knew it would happen again as, to be fair, I've had fair too few embarrassing moments in the gym. This would be perhaps only my second, in fact. The first was when I was laying into a bag pretty hard, thinking how technical I was starting to become with my fighting. Until I hopped a little too enthusiastically on one foot to land a kick, lost my footing and fell. Fortunately, I was tucked away in the old Fitness First studio, so only two people saw me. This time I was not so fortunate. The entire gym saw it happen. By the time I'd finished cursing and looked around (which was probably around 5 minutes after the fact...), people's giggles were just starting to subside. I have a grazed foot and knee for my troubles, and, predictably, a very bruised ego. I'm sure these things are strategically planned to happen just when you're starting to feel good about yourself.

I suppose I'd better get used to feeling stupid - I've signed up for a white collar boxing event in the new year. I think we already know which way it's going to go, but maybe after receiving a good hiding I might be able to concentrate on being a good wife.


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