Saturday 17 November 2012

'Gateway Grizzlies Baseball's Best Burger!'

...egads I had no idea it had been so long since my last blog! I'm horrified!

But not to worry, blogging shall recommence now! As you may know, I got married on Saturday and have since mainly done three things in rotation with my new husband: eat, sleep and watch movies. I have eaten all the things I have denied myself for years - not because of the wedding, but because of my fear of getting fat. So this week I have had a full Chinese banquet, chips, KFC, pizza (with low fat cheese though), puddings, wedding cake, and now tonight, the final night of  my 'week off', Rich and I are embarking on a feast we saw on Man VS Food. Krispy Kreme burger. Oh yeah.


All I can say is thank God for Omeprazole and Gaviscon.

And tomorrow, let the Christmas detox begin!


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