Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 4

Calories 1968 - on a nutritional note it might be worth noting I am not looking to deplete my calorie intake much so long as what I'm eating is good stuff. My main source of calories is from protein and fruit - yes I do eat some rubbish as well, but this is always factored into my count.

I took a gamble today and went to the gym only an hour after eating out with a friend. I dined light on chicken skewers and salad, but I normally don't eat before working out at all. This is partly because I don't usually have time and partly because I've known far too many people vomit during workouts I've been involved in. I don't need that drama. But, it wasn't that much of a gamble to be honest because today was mainly focussing on punishing my arms and chest for being too lazy so far in this regime.

Run down of today's workout, all sets with 8 reps:
1 set incline bench press pair of 12kg dumbbells, 4 sets with 14kg DBs
1 set military press with 12kg DBs & 4 sets with 10kg DBs
2 sets barbell curls 15kg & 3 sets 12.5kg
1 set skull crushers 10kg, attempted 2nd set and failed at 6th rep, then went on to 4 sets with 8kg
5 sets snatch 18kg - admittedly I could've gone heavier with this exercise but I lack the explosive power to really get it right, so I kept it at a safe weight to avoid injury
1 set lat pull downs 32kg, which was too easy so I didn't count this. 5 sets 36kg

The last exercise was 250 ab reps, for me to pick the exercise. I tried not to take the easy route, I know I could have bashed out 250 ankle taps without any issue. I did 70 proper crunches - by proper crunches, I mean I gave my abs a good squeeze on every rep which makes it a little slower but much more effective in my humble opinion. After 70 crunches the ache in my abs stopped and started in my back so I knew my form had gone downhill, so I moved on to do 30 leg lifts, not lifting my legs beyond 90 degrees, then 30 bike sit ups (what's the technical name for them?!), 50 crunches, 20 leg lifts and then a final 50 crunches.

I enjoyed this workout today, it was quite technical so I appreciated having some encouragement from around the gym. It's always a special moment when someone offers to check your snatch for the first time (if I was a tweeter, I'd probably say something like '#awkward'). I also saw Kelly Rowland's groping elephant again so that added a little fun to proceedings.

Tomorrow brings with it two muay thai classes, but I'm not doing anything from this regime because I'm a day ahead of myself. Friday's workout will take place on Friday, right on schedule!

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