Monday 26 March 2012

Day 2

Calories today: 2079

Today was Tuesday's workout, even though it's Monday. I don't have the energy to lie and say I loved it, because quite frankly the workout was grinding and rather dry. At least with the cardio aspect the momentum of it keeps you vaguely alert. But this was just hard, and the only thing that really kept me focussed was the presence of a few friendly faces around the gym.

In case you don't know what today's workout consisted of, it was 5 sets of 8, squats, deadlifts, sumo squats, walking lunges, reverse lunges and then 100 box jumps. The weights I used were as follows:
- Warm up with 40kg squats then two sets with 50kg. The last 3 sets were with 55kg
- Deadlifts 70kg
- Sumo squats 35kg
- Walking lunges 1 set 20kg, 4 sets 25kg. I actually technically did 16 reps - 8 each leg x 5
- Reverse lunges 20kg
- 100 split box jumps (unweighted - I defy anyone to do these weighted after all that)

The squats were pretty easy even though I haven't done heavy squats in weeks, possibly months. My rugby player thighs come in useful on occasion, but hopefully this regime doesn't expand them to the extent they expanded when I was strength training for powerlifting. Nothing says 'feminine' like blocky quads that stick out three inches beyond your knee caps.

I enjoyed the deadlifts, even though I was thankful I hadn't eaten within the last 2 hours. I did have concerns about my form though. There were a few guys in the free weights area from a gym I used to go to, a gym which was filled to the brim with bodybuilders (apart from me...obviously). I got it into my head they'd be watching me and thinking my form was awful. But, those concerns made me pull my backside in tighter and stop curving my spine. It turns out the guys remembered me from the other gym, so I stopped to chat and break up the monotony. You go into a gym to work out and don't expect anyone to take notice so it's nice when they do, especially when they give you some useful pointers.

Then the sumo squats and the walking lunges and the reverse lunges just blended into one another. My knees turned to actual jelly and I started wondering how on earth I was going to punch out 100 box jumps. As the plan doesn't state whether they're high or low box jumps I used some creative license and did them on a low box. I also did split jumps because as I said before, my knees were jelly and I knew I'd end up face-planting if I tried to jump with my feet together. To conclude, as I sit here, I can feel my quads and glutes quivering so I don't expect to manage the stairs tomorrow - thank goodness there's a lift. Having said that, I have Wednesday's workout to complete tomorrow, which is 30 minutes HIIT jump rope, 15 minutes rowing, and then a muay thai class.

At least I'll sleep well - silver linings and all that.

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