Sunday 25 March 2012

Day 1

I have to admit, this feels a little odd. I know I'm about twenty years behind everyone else in doing one of these, but whatever. It'll help motivate me to push myself harder - and that's what I want! So, the point of this blog is to document my workouts - not in painstaking detail you understand, but enough detail to be able to identify trends in what works and what doesn't work. I'm hoping I'll be able to upload some photos - I've taken some today, to record my progress. This will be vastly improved provided I stick to the plan and try to watch my nutrition. Don't judge me too harshly at the minute please!

Today was the first day of my next workout routine which I found on Pinterest ( - am I allowed to talk about other websites? I'm not au fait with blogging etiquette...). It's pretty hard, and I must admit that most of the exercises will have to be split into two so I don't die, for example, 60 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) cycling was done in two sections today, with a nice set of 60 crunches and reverse crunches in the middle, as well as foam rolling my legs. I'm not used to cycling so I thought it was important to roll my muscles out so that I might have a chance of walking tomorrow without looking like I've had an embarrassing accident.

So, this blog will itemise my workout for the day, and *cringe* my calorie count. I'm not going to detail exactly what I ate - no one wants to read that. Just my count, but if I go over 2500 I'm going to call it a 'write off' day. I have these every once in a while - and I'm too ashamed to figure out exactly how many calories I've actually eaten.

Weight to date: 11 st 0 lbs (70.1kg)
Body fat % - 22.4%
Body fat mass - 15.7kg
Waist (belly button - not around my ribs where some people measure!) - 30.5 ins
Hips - 37 ins
Thickest part of right thigh - 22.5 ins

excuse the dents from my jeans.

not much to see at the minute.

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