Tuesday 27 March 2012

Day 3

Calories 1773

I think today's workout was designed to go easy on me. 30 minutes interval skipping - 45 seconds skipping and 30 seconds rest then 15 minutes rowing. This wasn't too arduous, especially considering I got away with yesterday with only minimal aches - so minimal I was able to use the stairs without incident (hooray for minor victories). However, it was boring. The only entertainment I got was from musings about why Kelly Rowland's 'Lay It On Me' video features her being groped by an elephant's trunk. If anyone can explain this for me I'd appreciate it. Anyway, I digress. After my 45 minutes of mild cardio I thought I was perfectly fine to go ahead with my muay thai class, so off I went.

Seriously, I've never been more of a girl's blouse in my life. I had to swap the leather pads for the vinyl ones because my feeble little arms couldn't quite cope with the weight of the leather ones, especially when being whacked repeatedly by a rather large man. I think it's too easy to underestimate how much energy heavy lifts require - deadlifts and squats specifically - and even though my brain went through the motions of carrying out a risk assessment prior to the class, my body failed to communicate that actually, it was pretty damn tired.

I wish I could say I've learnt from this and won't do it again. But the truth is, I will do it again. And again. I love working hard and pushing myself to the limit, and the only thing that really bothered me about my shortcomings in today's muay thai class was the fact that the people around me didn't know that I'd done a hard session the day before. I wanted to stand there and tell everyone what weights I lifted yesterday and that I'd completed a workout today already, and that I'm not usually so pathetic, and I don't have a problem holding the pads and that I can hold my own against big tough men...etc etc.

On that note I'm shutting this down for the night, but not before showing off my new shoes. When I'm wearing these bad boys, if you hear hoof-beats, go right ahead and think 'zebra'.

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