Friday 30 March 2012

Day 5 - technically

Calories yesterday: 1728 Technically yesterday was day 5 of my regime. It was meant to be today, but I ended up skipping both the muay thai classes yesterday as I was late back from work and then I decided I was probably too battered to get much out of the class. So I went for my 60 minute jog instead. I thought I was safe to go out without covering my ears, after all, the weather looked beautiful. This was a mistake. It was freezing. 20 minutes in and my extremities were numb. 25 minutes in and my bladder was like a rugby ball, and short of doing a Paula Radcliffe on the side of the road, I had to live with it. 35 minutes in and my MP3 player flatlined. 45 minutes in, after running through a small group of teenage boys, I had one of them on a bike shouting 'RAPE!' at me. All in all, a delightful run. As I said, the plan was to go to my classes last night and go running tonight but I thought if I went running last night instead that would leave tonight free to go out for a little date night, including a nice dinner (salad...) and then the cinema to see the Hunger Games...but I walked out. The camera angle made me motion sick. Poo. So tomorrow I've got a best friend's wedding which I've no doubt will be beautiful - and I'll be wearing my wonderful zebra shoes. Walking in those shall count as my workout for tomorrow. The regime will continue on Sunday or Monday, along with my blog and maybe some progress photos.

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