Tuesday 3 April 2012

week 2, Tuesday

Calories 1984 I don't think I need to go into great deal about my 60 minutes HIIT cycling. It wasn't fun, and I had to split it into two sets of 30 minutes like I did last week just so I didn't a) die of boredom and b) lose all feeling in my bum. In between my 30 minute sets, I did 10 crunches and then decided I was taking the easy route so switched to 20 reverse crunches, but my abs were still quite raw from yesterday. And then it was back to the bike. I planned to go to muay thai after that. Aside from things I've already mentioned in previous posts, I don't like going to a class where I know I'm going to make things difficult for other people, so I thought it was better to give muay thai a miss as my energy levels were incredibly low. I didn't want to struggle holding the pads for anyone again, as I think it's unfair for them to pay for a class that I can't help them with as much as they can help me. I noticed there was a new boxing class at the gym so I thought I'd give it a go. It made a nice change to have a female instructor who was interested in technique rather than just punching pads badly. It was a good class, and I was suitably exhausted although that was more likely to be because of the 60 minutes of cycling beforehand. I am missing muay thai though, but it was arrogant of me to believe I'd be able to do this program as well as 3 classes. I'm hoping to go to at least one of the classes on Thursday. I feel almost guilty for not going, like I'm not working as hard as I could be. But for anyone else who might be thinking I'm not working as hard as I could be...

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