Friday 27 April 2012

week 5

Calories 1863 (Thursday)

This week's training regime may as well have been flushed down the toilet. Monday I did the following using the 'Time Under Tension (TUT)' technique, which means counting to 4 on the lift and 2 on the descent.
3 x 12 reps with 10kg DB bench press
2 x 10 reps with 8kg then 8 reps DB incline bench press
7.5kg skullcrushers, 3 x 10 reps
3 x 8 reps with 8kg DB military press
3 x 10 reps barbell upright row, 15kg
Barbell preacher curls - I don't know what the bar weighs for this. Rumour has it, it might be 15kg. I just Googled it, asking 'how much does a preacher bar weigh?' and it tried to autocorrect me to 'how much does a preacher get paid?' So that was interesting. Anyway, I curled whatever the bar weighs plus a whole extra 2.5kg. Boy, I felt stupid struggling to lift that small a weight. I did 3 x 10 reps with a whole 2.5kg. Proud day for Gina...
100 crunches & 100 bicycle crunches

Monday went to plan. Tuesday did not. I couldn't get to the gym so I had to make it up on Wednesday. Wednesday I did 1 set of 12 squats with 35kg, but that was easy so did a further 2 sets of 12 reps with 40kg
12 reps with 40kg deadlifts, then did a further 2 sets of 12 reps with 45kg, and then I nearly died. Seriously, using the TUT technique for deadlifts is not recommended. I thought about sitting on the floor in the free weights section of the gym to stop the blood rushing to my head any more, but refrained since I can't bear the thought of being the girl who nearly passed out because of a 45kg deadlift. That would be up there with my achievement of curling 2.5kg.
Leg press machine with 70kg, 3 x 10 reps
Hamstring curls with 32kg, 3 x 12 reps
Calf raises with 8kg KB in each hand. I tried to do it slow but ended up losing my balance, a lot. So I did what I could for 3 sets of 12 reps
After this, I did a 30 minute jog but didn't have time for a further 30 minutes of cycling as per Tuesday's workout. So I had a debt of 30 minutes HIIT cycling to carry on to Thursday.

Thursday I did 100 squat jumps 30/20/20/20/10, 100 bodyweight squats 40/40/20, 100 russian lunges 20/25/30/25, 200 line jumps 176, tripped and then completed the last without a break. I'd have done it in one had I not tripped! 50 burpees 25/15/10. And then 30 minutes HIIT cycling. At that point I wished I was dead.

Today is Friday so I should have done Friday's workout, but once again I couldn't make it to the gym so I'll have to pick it up tomorrow. Then Sunday I'm hoping to run up Moel Famau, but can't guarantee that'll happen.

Why did I start this again?
Answers on a postcard.

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