Sunday 22 April 2012

Let phase 2 commence...tomorrow.

Calories today - lost count. Lots.

Thursday I did the last leg workout of part 1, and Friday I went on a 7 mile run which took me 1 hour, 11 mins. I know that's not a brilliant time but it's steady so I'm not going to beat myself up too badly. At least I know I can do 10k without a great deal of preparation. My first 10k is 13th May, and I'm not worried about that one. I am, however, very worried about my second 10k which is the Total Warrior on August 4th (
So anyway, check out part 2 of my regime.
This starts tomorrow.
The key point in this section is that it is going to 'help shift those stubborn last pounds', which is what I need. Ideally I only want to lose a maximum of 6lbs, but I want to look and feel great - even if the pounds don't come off. At the moment I don't look OR feel great. Boo. So tonight I'm having one last 'hurrah' with just a few more biscuits than I might normally eat. Tomorrow it's going to be strictly clean eating, and I'm going to give the carbs a go before I go to the gym.

I'll level with you, my sparse readers, I'm losing the will. All I want to do is eat what I want without feeling like I've betrayed myself, and not have to avoid food without calorie counts on the label. But I guess this feeling is rather ordinary, and I will toil through.

Tomorrow is a new day, so on we plod.

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