Thursday 5 April 2012

Week 2, Wednesday & Thursday

Calories 2201

Yesterday's workout:
5 sets of 8: incline bench press, 1 warm up set with 10kg then 5 sets with 14kg
                  clean and press - 20kg
                  overhead tricep extension - 5 sets of 8 with 6kg, each arm
                  bent over barbell row - 1 set with 25kg, 4 sets with 27.5kg
                  concentration curls - 2 sets with 8kg (each arm) then dropped down to 6kg for a set, tried to move back to 8kg...and failed. So final sets with 6kg
                  upright row - 20kg

This was a good workout, nicely varied. I do have a bit of a mental block when it comes to the difference between clean lifts and jerk lifts though. So what I did was probably a bit of blend of both. I had delusions of grandeur with the overhead tricep extensions. I had 10kg dumbbells ready, but thought I'd start 'easy' with the 8kg. I was able to do the 8kg a few times, but I had to hold my shoulders in place. I dropped to 6kg, and did it quite easily so I think 7kg dumbbells would have been my Goldilocks weight but alas, 7kg dumbbells are not so common!

Today's workout was scheduled to be an hour of HIIT running. I thought I'd get it done in the gym because after last week's 60 minute outdoor jog turned out to be dull as dishwater, at least in the gym I can people watch and time my intervals accurately. The treadmills don't have an interval training program though, so I had to just crank the timer up and manually change the speeds.

I cheated a little. I only did 40 minutes. I know - shocking, and I'm ashamed. Actually, I'm not because I cut it short to go to my muay thai class, which probably burnt more calories in an hour than a further 20 minutes of running would have done. I jogged at a speed of 5 mph, and ran at a speed of 8 mph. I could have gone faster, and spent the last 2 minutes sprinting at 8.5mph. I have a fear of flying off the treadmill. Everyone has seen someone who has gone A over T on a treadmill, and there is no way of flying off the treadmill and maintaining any degree of dignity. It can't be done. So that's why I kept my speed down.

Anyway, my muay thai class was awesome, as usual. And I was inadequate, as usual. Although I found out that a guy who trains in the same class lives literally round the corner from me - and I completely embarrassed myself by doing the Michael McIntyre thing where I got really high pitched when I found out we were neighbours.

On a progress note...there is none. I took some photos to put on, but they were appalling so I can't bear to put them on. I'm hoping to upload some next week.

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