Saturday 14 April 2012

on a nutritional note...

Just a very quick one tonight - at 22:55 on a Saturday night. Rock on.

On a nutritional note, I have discovered a wonderful recipe which tastes remarkably like a chocolate digestive milkshake (if that exists...although it probably does in Shakespeare's milkshakes, Oxford -!/0shakespeares0, seriously if you live near Oxford, well worth a trip). It's skimmed milk, or I'm using Kara dairy-free coconut milk alternative which is lower in calories, with a scoop of chocolate protein and a heaped dessert spoon of flaxseed.  It's so tasty and really good for you too. The flax adds extra protein and fibre.

Another thing I have discovered is the ultimate lazy girl's fajita. Usually I hate pre-cooked meats, especially poultry because they use all the off-cuts and it's revolting. I thought I'd risk it today though because I was feeling extra lazy after spring cleaning the spare room all day (again, rock on). I picked up some turkey tikka (Bernard Matthews), some Weight Watchers wraps (do check the calorie count on wraps - they can range from 98 calories each to 250!), light Philadelphia with roasted peppers and some salsa. Zap the turkey (obviously making sure it's piping hot...), spread half the wrap with Philly, the other half with salsa and load it up with turkey, adding some low fat Cheddar if you like. I think 'yum' pretty much covers it.

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